- Asset - a single file or piece of content. This could be a text asset, an image, video, sound file, social media widget, or an embedded web page. Learn more about Asset management in Rockbot.
- Campaign - a group of one or more Assets that are scheduled to run together.
- Zone: A set of one or more players that are linked together within a Location
- Location: A Group of Zones that share a single physical address
- Group: A set of Zones or Locations, for example the Western Region of a large brand might include dozens of Locations.
To follow along with this guide, sign in at dashboard.rockbot.com and open your venue's dashboard.
Think of a Campaign as a box that you put your marketing assets into so you can schedule them to run as a group. Assets within a campaign can played in a set order or randomized, and you can have several campaigns running at the same time.
Scheduling your campaigns can be as simple as “start playing now and run until stopped," or you can target specific periods. This can include days of the week, date ranges, or times of the day.
When you create your first Campaign in Rockbot you will begin by uploading or creating Assets in the Asset Library. Once you have your assets ready to go, you will create a Campaign and be sent to the Campaign Builder. From there, you can add Scheduling, and then Publish your campaign. At the end of your campaign, it will automatically be archived and you can view Retrospective reporting.
You can view your list of Campaigns from the Campaign Browser at any time.
Campaigns in Rockbot can be as simple or as complex as you want to make them. For large teams and Enterprise deployments, we recommend diving a little deeper into the Campaign Lifecycle.
Zone and Group
For all Rockbot products, there is a Zone version and a Group version of each page.
For example, the Group version of the Marketing dashboard will let you schedule Campaigns to run across multiple Zones and Locations within your Group. The Zone version gives you a more focused view or what’s happening in a single Zone.
A Single location that uses multiple Rockbot Players would use the Group view in the Dashboard.
You can tell whether you are in the Zone or Group version at a glance by checking the Organization browser at the top of the window.
If your Rockbot deployment only has a single Zone, you will only ever see the Zone version.
Most small businesses will only have a single zone, but some may have several. Enterprise deployments can have a dozen Zones each across hundreds or thousands of Locations.
Whatever size your business, Rockbot is designed to work for you.
Ready to get started? Your first stop is the Asset Library to get your content uploaded and configured.