In addition to our hundreds of Playlists, Rockbot gives you the ability to create your custom Playlists. You can either use one of our pre-made playlists as a starting point by duplicating that playlist, or you can create a new one from scratch.
To follow along with this guide, sign in at and open your venue's dashboard.
Creating Playlists
To create a new Playlist from scratch, click the button in the Playlist browser, and use the form to set the Playlist owner, title, and description. It is best to make the owner of the business or group so that more people within the business have access to it.
A Group or Zone-owned Playlist can be edited by anyone who has the appropriate permissions for that Zone or Group. Playlists owned by an individual can only be edited by that individual.
You may also use the 'New Playlist' Button to sync Playlists from external sources like Spotify and Apple Music. You can then edit them in Rockbot by adding or removing tracks.
The Song Browser
When creating a brand new Playlist you will immediately see the Playlist Editor's Song Browser. Since the Playlist is completely empty, there will not be any suggestions yet. Searching in the Song Browser will return results based on artist name, song name, and genre. Once you start to fill your playlist, you will start to receive suggestions for songs included in similar Playlists.
Searching for an Artist will prompt a dropdown menu showing possible matches.
Clicking on an Artist will show all songs in the Rockbot catalog by that Artist. Search results and suggestions are sortable by Popularity, Content Rating, or Energy Level.
You may add individual tracks to your playlist by clicking the + (plus) to the left.
Searching for a song title shows a similar list of suggestions. Clicking on a singular song adds it directly to your Playlist.
As you add songs to your Playlist, the Song Browser will update to show what you have added. If you add the wrong song accidentally, you may remove it by clicking the - (minus) sign next to it in the list.
Many popular songs have been recorded several times or covered by multiple artists. If you're unsure if you've found the best match, you can preview the track and play a 30-second clip by clicking the speaker icon.
As you add tracks, the Playlist Progress bar in the top right will update with the length of your Playlist. This also has a health indicator for how much content you need to add before you can schedule it safely.
Exiting the Song Browser brings you the Playlist Editor's main interface. You can use the Song Browser at any time by clicking 'Add Music'.
Playlist Requirements
Due to licensing restrictions, Rockbot cannot play multiple songs from the same artist in a row. This means Playlists need a variety of both songs and artists to work well and avoid repetition.
We recommend a minimum of 200 songs for a Playlist that will play for 8 hours. The Rockbot system will not allow the scheduling of Playlists with fewer than 20 songs and 12 artists.