Changing your photo is easy!
Where do I change my photo?
- Log in to your Dashboard.
- Open the "User Settings" menu by clicking the bottom section of the side navigation where your name or username is located.
- Click on "Photos".
How do I add a new photo?
- Click the "Choose File" button and select a JPG, GIF, or PNG image, that is less than 3MB, from your computer.
- Once you have selected the desired file, click the "Upload Photo" button.
- If you don't have a default profile photo set, this new photo will immediately be set.
How do I set my profile photo?
- If you just added a new photo and didn't have one previously set as your default, that new photo will be your profile photo.
- If you would like to change your profile photo, simply click the "Set Default" button associated with the desired photo or upload a new photo.
How do I remove a photo?
- Click the "Delete" button associated with the desired photo you would like to remove.
- If you delete your profile photo, you will have to set a new one. We will have a temporary image for you.
- If you delete all of your photos, we will set one of our defaults for you.
Rockbot reserves the right to deny or decline any photo based on our sole discretion.