What is Rockbot Audio Messaging?
Rockbot Audio Messaging allows you to embed recurring announcements into your music stream. Common uses include public service announcements (PSAs), reminders, promotions, and more.
Audio Messages are scheduled by adding an Audio Asset to your campaigns. Learn How to Schedule Audio Messages
- Audio Assets: Short, pre-recorded announcements. Most common audio file formats are supported (MP3, M4A, WAV). The maximum file size for an Audio Asset is 100MB.
- Campaign: Groups and schedules audio messages for playback.
- Audio Interval: Determines how frequently Audio Messages are inserted between songs during a campaign’s playback window.
Can I schedule Audio Messages at an exact time?
No, Audio Messages follow an interval-based schedule and are played occasionally throughout the day. If you need more precise timing, you can use multiple Audio Messaging Campaigns to approximate your desired playback schedule. Learn More
What impacts when an Audio Message plays?
While the campaign determines the time window for playback, the actual timing depends on:
- Global Audio Interval: Ensures a minimum time gap between Audio Messages, even if they are in different campaigns.
- Music: Audio Messages are inserted between songs rather than at an exact scheduled time.