What is the industry average?
Rockbot’s average song length is 3 min which is approximately 20 songs per hour. Rockbot has many controls in place to prevent song and artist repetition, however, we recommend at least 50 hours (~1,000 songs) to get started.
For reference, the industry average to reduce the feeling of repetition is a minimum of 100-120 hours of music or 2,000-2,400 songs in rotation. This number can vary slightly based on the number of hours you are open and the diversity of your playlists.
How to prevent music repetition at your venue:
- Increase the number of playlists and/or songs in your schedule. To increase the songs in the music rotation, we recommend adding additional playlists to your schedule(s) and/or syncing a Spotify/Apple Music playlist.
- Check if you have an Energy Filter on. Log into dashboard.rockbot.com. Go to the Music Icon > Music Settings > Energy Filter. The Energy Filter will help you further set the vibe in your venue. However, it will also reduce the number of playable tracks. Also see: What does the energy filter do?
- Review your active artists and playlists. Occasionally what feels like repetition is, in fact, a collection of songs by the same or similar artists that sound very similar.
If you have any questions, please submit a Rockbot Request Ticket or give us a call at (415) 813-6020 x1